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“หมามุ่ย” เป็นพืชที่ขึ้นในเขตร้อน ถูกจัดให้เป็นถั่วชนิดหนึ่ง ซึ่งถูกนำมาใช้ในการรักษาโดยแพทย์พื้นบ้าน ในตำราแพทย์อารุยเวทได้ใช้หมามุ่ยในการรักษาโรค เช่น แผลที่เ้กิดจากการถูกงูกัด โรคเกี่ยวกับลำไส้ การตอบทางเพศ และโรคซึมเศร้า


The magic of every therapeutic plant resides in its beneficial, active compounds. The interaction between these compounds is typically responsible for the plant’s favorable effects. In Mucuna pruriens, levodopa, or L-dopa, is one of these compounds . This bioactive chemical is a precursor to several neurotransmitters, including adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine. ในเมล็หมามุ่ยมีสารสำคัญอยู่ตัวหนึ่ง ชื่อว่า Levodopa หรือ L-Dopa
Mucuna pruriens has significant antioxidant action that works in tandem with L-dopa to promote brain health. When L-dopa crosses the blood-brain barrier, it helps to increase brain levels of dopamine, an essential neurotransmitter associated with regulating mood and cognition. Research also suggests that antioxidants are helpful for defending against oxidative damage by free radicals.

How Does Mucuna pruriens Influence Brain Health?

Research suggests Mucuna pruriens protects the brain by keeping cognitive and neural functions in check, even encouraging neural activity. [6]Studies on animals have echoed this, placing the focus on its antioxidant action. The mechanism behind this is simple — all free radicals have an unpaired electron that makes them unstable in the body. Antioxidants donate an electron to the free radical to neutralize its effects, particularly on the brain. Mucuna has an added benefit in that it fights systemic redness in the brain, which is often a factor in brain degradation. [7]

Does Mucuna pruriens Affect the Effects of Stress?

Ayurvedic tradition uses Mucuna pruriens to positively promote mental health and stress response. A study involving 120 men who suffered from psychological stress reported that supplementation with Mucuna significantly eased stress. [8] Oddly enough, the men also had fertility issues and supplementation appeared to promote sperm quality and count. Researchers also concluded that Mucuna pruriens reactivates the antioxidant defense system, an essential biological mechanism necessary for maintaining homeostasis within the body.

Is a Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease on the Horizon?

Parkinson’s disease is partially characterized by decreased brain production of dopamine, an important neurotransmitter. Because Mucuna pruriens positively influences dopamine levels, it’s been an Ayurvedic therapy for centuries. Preliminary research indicates that the natural form of L-dopa in Mucuna pruriens provides equivalent (or better) results compared to synthetic levodopa; and without the common side effects of nausea, vomiting, and involuntary muscle movement. [9] [10] Now, should it be inferred that Mucuna pruriens is a cure or treatment for Parkinson’s? Not in the least. Is this study interesting in a hopeful sense though? Absolutely.

Supplementing with Mucuna pruriens

Mucuna pruriens has a rich history of use for promoting mental health. Current research supports its traditional application and hopefully additional research will gain insight into future uses. If you are considering supplementing with Mucuna pruriens, like any supplement, it’s a good idea to find an organic or wild crafted source. If you have supplemented with Mucuna pruriens, please leave a comment below and share your experience with us!
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Uma S, Gurumoorthi P. Dietary antioxidant activities in different germplasms of Mucuna. J Med Food. 2013 Jul;16(7):618-24. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2012.2697.
  2. Prakash D, Niranjan A, Tewari SK. Some nutritional properties of the seeds of three Mucuna species. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2001 Jan;52(1):79-82.
  3. R. Katzenschlager, A. Evans, A. Manson, P. Patsalos, N. Ratnaraj, H. Watt, L. Timmermann, R. Van der Giessen, and A. Lees. Mucuna pruriens in Parkinson’s disease: a double-blind clinical and pharmaceutical study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. December 2004; 75(12): 1672-1677. dpi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.028761.
  4. Amy F.T. Arnsten, Min J. Wang, Constantinos D. Paspalas. Neuromodulation of Thought: Flexibilities and Vulnerabilities in Prefrontal Cortical Network Synapses.Neuron, Volume 76, Issue 1, 223-239, 4 October 2012. 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.08.038.
  5. Yadav SK, Prakash J, Chouhan S, Singh SP. Mucuna pruriens seed extract reduces oxidative stress in nigrostriatal tissue and improves neurobehavioral activity in paraquat-induced Parkinsonian mouse model. Neurochem Int. 2013 Jun;62(8):1039-47. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2013.03.015. Epub 2013 Apr 3.
  6. V. Bala, A. Debnath, A.K. Shill and U. Bose. Anti-inflammatory, Diuretic and Antibacterial Activities of Aerial Parts of Mucuna pruriens Linn. International Journal of Pharmacology. 2011. Volume 7, Issue 4, pg. 498-503. doi: 10.3923/jp.2011.498.503.
  7. Yadav SK1, Prakash J2, Chouhan S3, Westfall S4, Verma M5, Singh TD6, Singh SP7. Comparison of the neuroprotective potential of Mucuna pruriens seed extract with estrogen in 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced PD mice model. Neurochem Int. 2014 Jan;65:1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2013.12.001. Epub 2013 Dec 11.
  8. Shukla KK, Mahdi AA, Ahmad MK, Jaiswar SP, Shankwar SN, Tiwari SC. Mucuna pruriens Reduces Stress and Improves the Quality of Semen in Infertile Men. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2010 Mar;7(1):137-44.
  9. Tharakan B, Dhanasekaran M, Mize-Berge J, Manyam BV. Anti-Parkinson botanical Mucuna pruriens prevents levodopa induced plasmid and genomic DNA damage.Phytother Res. 2007 Dec;21(12):1124-6.
  10. Ramya KB, Thaakur S. Herbs containing L- Dopa: An update. Anc Sci Life. 2007 Jul;27(1):50-5.



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